you can run a script customization while installing adobe flash player?
what I would have run these commands:
:: These lines delete the Adobe Acrobat Update Service
net stop AdobeARMservice
sc delete AdobeARMservice
:: These lines delete the Adobe Acrobat Update Service (older version)
net stop armsvc
sc delete armsvc
:: These lines delete the Adobe Flash Player Update Service
net stop AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc
sc delete AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc
:: This line deletes the scheduled task Adobe installs (against our wishes)
del /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\Windows\tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job" 2>NUL
what I would have run these commands:
:: These lines delete the Adobe Acrobat Update Service
net stop AdobeARMservice
sc delete AdobeARMservice
:: These lines delete the Adobe Acrobat Update Service (older version)
net stop armsvc
sc delete armsvc
:: These lines delete the Adobe Flash Player Update Service
net stop AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc
sc delete AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc
:: This line deletes the scheduled task Adobe installs (against our wishes)
del /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\Windows\tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job" 2>NUL