5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM =================================================================================================================
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Starting. Release : 1.3.1504.15
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Upgrade Settings : False
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Windows was installed in : en (English)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : FrmSettings
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Language is : Anglais.
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : UpdateControl
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : UpdateListViewer
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : UpdateDetailViewer
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Wsus_Package_Publisher.Credentials GetInstance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM CredentialNotice set to : Features connecting to remote computers will use the same credentials than the application.
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM CredentialNotice set to : Features connecting to remote computers will use the same credentials than the application.
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusWrapper GetInstance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void chkCmbBxFilter_SelectionChanged()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void DisplayUpdates(Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateCollection)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ClearDisplay()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ClearBeforeConnecting()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ClearDisplay()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ResetControl()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ClearDisplay()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void AdjustSplitterDistance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : ComputerControl
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : ComputerListViewer
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Wsus_Package_Publisher.Credentials GetInstance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusWrapper GetInstance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Wsus_Package_Publisher.Credentials GetInstance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : ComputerDetailViewer
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void dtpInstalledAfter_ValueChanged(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void Display(System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void FrmWsusPackagePublisher_Shown(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void FillServerList()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusServer] LoadServerSettings()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusServer] LoadServerSettings()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_Name(System.String) : WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Name : WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_IsLocal(Boolean) : False
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM IsLocal : False
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_Port(Int32) : 8531
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Port : 8531
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_UseSSL(Boolean) : True
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM UseSSL : True
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_IgnoreCertificateErrors(Boolean) : False
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM ignoreCertErrors : False
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_DeadLineDaysSpan(Int32) : 0
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_DeadLineHour(Int32) : 0
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_DeadLineMinute(Int32) : 0
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_VisibleInWsusConsole(MakeVisibleInWsusPolicy) : Never
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Adding server : WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Returning 1 Servers.
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor(System.String, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32) : WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD, False, 8531, True, 0, 0, 0
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor(System.String, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32) : WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor(System.String, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32) : False
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_Port(Int32) : 8531
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor(System.String, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32) : True
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_DeadLineDaysSpan(Int32) : 0
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor(System.String, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32) : 0
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void set_DeadLineMinute(Int32) : 0
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering System.Object Clone() : Never
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering System.Object Clone() : False
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Wsus Server WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD added to the Combobox
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM WPP is up and ready
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Will try to connect to the last used server : WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ConnectToServer(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ClearBeforeConnecting()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ClearDisplay()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ResetControl()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void ClearDisplay()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void AdjustSplitterDistance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : ComputerControl
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : ComputerListViewer
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Wsus_Package_Publisher.Credentials GetInstance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusWrapper GetInstance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Wsus_Package_Publisher.Credentials GetInstance()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor() : ComputerDetailViewer
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void dtpInstalledAfter_ValueChanged(System.Object, System.EventArgs)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void Display(System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void .ctor()
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Try connecting to : WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Void StartWaitingForm(System.String)
5/7/2015 5:40:50 PM Entering Boolean Connect(Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusServer, System.String) : WSUS01.DOMAIN.TLD (8531), en
5/7/2015 5:40:52 PM Connected to remote wsus.
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering System.Version GetConsoleVersion()
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Void GetVersionFromRegKey(System.String, System.String, System.Version ByRef) : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Update Services\Server\Setup\VersionString
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Version is at least : 6.3.9600.17477
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Void GetVersionFromRegKey(System.String, System.String, System.Version ByRef) : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 (KB2720211)\DisplayVersion
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Void GetVersionFromRegKey(System.String, System.String, System.Version ByRef) : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 (KB2734608)\DisplayVersion
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Void GetVersionFromRegKey(System.String, System.String, System.Version ByRef) : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2-KB2828185\DisplayVersion
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Void GetVersionFromRegKey(System.String, System.String, System.Version ByRef) : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2-KB2938066\DisplayVersion
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Returning 6.3.9600.17477
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Boolean Connect(Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusServer, System.String) : Administrator
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering CertificateStatus CheckCertificateStatus(Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.IUpdateServerConfiguration)
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering System.String GetTempFolder()
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Will return : C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\WPP\qa0qgkyr.5uc\
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Trying to get certificate from server.
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Successfuly got certificate from server.
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM EffectiveDate : 11/16/2014 4:20:02 PM / ExpirationDate : 11/16/2017 4:20:02 PM
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Valid
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Boolean Connect(Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusServer, System.String) : Valid
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Int32 CheckCertificateKeyLength(Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.IUpdateServerConfiguration)
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering System.String GetTempFolder()
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Will return : C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\WPP\kx0t2mvh.jcv\
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Int32 GetCertificateKeyLength(System.String) : C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\WPP\kx0t2mvh.jcv\certificate.cer
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Will return 2048
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Will return : 2048
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Boolean Connect(Wsus_Package_Publisher.WsusServer, System.String) : 2048
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Successfuly connected to Wsus server.
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM This is not a Replica server.
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateTreeviewWithComputerGroups. With group : All Computers And node : All Computers
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateTreeviewWithComputerGroups. With group : Unassigned Computers And node : Unassigned Computers
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateTreeviewWithComputerGroups. With group : Servers And node : Servers
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateTreeviewWithComputerGroups. With group : SITE1-LT And node : SITE1-LT
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateTreeviewWithComputerGroups. With group : SITE2 And node : SITE2
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateTreeviewWithComputerGroups. With group : SITE1 And node : SITE1
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateComputerGroups. With node : All Computers And computersGroup : All Computers
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateComputerGroups. With node : SITE1 And computersGroup : SITE1
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateComputerGroups. With node : SITE1-LT And computersGroup : SITE1-LT
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateComputerGroups. With node : Servers And computersGroup : Servers
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateComputerGroups. With node : Unassigned Computers And computersGroup : Unassigned Computers
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering PopulateComputerGroups. With node : SITE2 And computersGroup : SITE2
5/7/2015 5:40:53 PM Entering Void FillMetaGroups()
New Post: Windows 2012R2 WSUS & WPP - Unable to connect to local server