I want to deploy Flash Player
I have downloaded the MSI package here : https://www.adobe.com/fr/products/flashplayer/distribution3.html.
In WPP, I select Updates/Create update. I browse to the MSI, then next. According to the documentation https://www.codeplex.com/Download?ProjectName=WsusPackagePublisher&DownloadId=663365, the field "Product Name" should be automatically filled but it's not the case. Does this "howto" apply only to Flash Player V 11.x.x.x?
Thank you,
I want to deploy Flash Player
I have downloaded the MSI package here : https://www.adobe.com/fr/products/flashplayer/distribution3.html.
In WPP, I select Updates/Create update. I browse to the MSI, then next. According to the documentation https://www.codeplex.com/Download?ProjectName=WsusPackagePublisher&DownloadId=663365, the field "Product Name" should be automatically filled but it's not the case. Does this "howto" apply only to Flash Player V 11.x.x.x?
Thank you,