Channel: Wsus Package Publisher
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New Post: Unable to make updates visible in WSUS console

Thanks but I actually figured it out just after my original post!

All the options were correct, it just needed me to be logged in under the same account that WSUS was installed with.

I had to grant local admin rights to the WSUS server to that account just to get WPP to launch but once that was done I was able to publish updates to the WSUS Console no problem.


New Post: WPP crashs wen open Adobe Catalog

New Post: WPP crashs wen open Adobe Catalog

V 1.3.1411.9 on WS2012 R2 ( german )

It crashed yesterday 2 times and today also, half hour ago.

for the following error description in this forum I chagned the language from German to English, and .... NOW it WORKS.

so I tested it again in german - and itcrached again and shut down!

Workaround: Use English if you import Adobe Flash Updates from Catalog!

Maybe everyone else can test it with his installation.

WHAT I DO in German an English:

Updates/Manage Catalog Subscriptions... / Load a shared Catalog / Adobe-Catalog-FlashPlayer.xml OPEN

Test Connectivity - > OK
Check Update aviable now -> ok ( YES, updates aviable )
Import Updates from this catalog -> (Window opend..)
Open Catalog -> ( I see all the AxtiveX and Plugin Updates from version to )-> I select all the six PlugIn Updates ->
I click "Import selected Updates" ->
-> Importing starts, but WPP crashes after 1/2 sec ( Will send error report and then shut down( GERMAN ) <->Can import updates sucsessfull ( ENGLISH )

very funny :-)

New Post: Install on Clients, but only update on Servers


DCourtel wrote:
Logic for And/Or groups apply IN the group itself.
thanks, but that also doesnt work.

So, what so I want to do?

Is it installabe?
Only if ist not in the newest Version installed 
and the Computer is 64Bit 
and (its Workstation OR (Server and Java exists)

(not 26a24ae4-039d-4ca4-87b4-2f86418040f0 AND Processor Architecture="9") 
AND (WindowsVersion ProductType="1" OR (WindowsVersion ProductType="1" AND FileExists Path="C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe))
In between I also tried:
  <msiar:MsiProductInstalled ProductCode="{26a24ae4-039d-4ca4-87b4-2f86418040f0}"/>
<bar:Processor Architecture="9"/>
<bar:WindowsVersion ProductType="1"/>
    <msiar:MsiProductInstalled ProductCode="{26a24ae4-039d-4ca4-87b4-2f86418040f0}"/>
  <bar:Processor Architecture="9"/>
  <bar:WindowsVersion ProductType="3"/>
  <bar:RegKeyExists Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\JavaSoft"/>
I dont find my failure....

New Post: firewall ports

Someone in the forums on here commented on these ports for use with WPP for EG. Reporting / Send a restart comand / force to install is this correct ? But wasn't clear with the answer if they have any benefits to adding them in addition to WPP use Port 80, 443, 8530 and 8531.

SMB, TCP Port 445 ?
MSRPC, TCP Port 135 ?
DCOM, TCP Port .......?
WMI, TCP Port .......?

New Post: Install on Clients, but only update on Servers

Maybe Im on the complete wrong way. If I look at the Adobe updates out of the catalogue, there arent any rules and it installs only updates on Systems with previous Versions on it. How can I do this with a custom msi install?

New Post: Install on Clients, but only update on Servers

DCourtel wrote:

Logic for And/Or groups apply IN the group itself.

thanks, but that also doesnt work.
It work, but you don't apply it ! For example, in your last post, your rules said :

It's installable IF ( MSIProduct is not installed AND Processor is 64bit AND ProductType=Desktop AND( MSIProduct is not installed OR Processor is 64bit OR ProductType=Server OR RegKeyExist ))

Each () map to a And/Or Group.
This is exactly the opposite of what you should do !

New Post: Install on Clients, but only update on Servers

DCourtel wrote:
thanks, but that also doesnt work.
It work, but you don't apply it ! For example, in your last post, your rules said :
Maybe I just dont get it...

I imported your rules and they both didnt work.

And I actually dont understand what is ment with "Logic for And/Or groups apply IN the group itself.". Maybe ist because Im not a native Speaker? ;-(

Could you please be so kind and give me a logic example for: Install if not installed and 64 Bit, on all Clients and on all Servers where the file exist?

Im working on this now since days and I dont get it ;-).

Thanks, Rothy

New Post: firewall ports

Ports 80, 443, 8530 and 8531 are used by WPP to communicate with you Wsus server (only one of this port is used). The port used depend of your Wsus configuration.
Wpp can't work without these ports.

Other ports, are used for extra features like sending command. it's not mandadory to open it in your firewall.

New Post: Powershell script not running?

OK, so I looked at the log and it claimed to have ran the powershell script but nothing was done on the PC. I modified my script so that it doesn't require an argument and created a simple custom update to just run the uninstall script. No CustomUpdateEngine.log was created and nothing was uninstalled yet it reported successfully installed in Windows Update. Below is the powershell and then the xml for the update. Also, I added logging to the script and a log file was not created. How does wpp work with the powershell execution policy? Does the PC think it's running the script locally or off a network share? Or does it just ignore the execution policy? That could be the issue since I haven't ran any powershell scripts on the test PC before.
Param ([string]$iArch="32")
$log    = "C:\Windows\Temp\jUI32.log" 
$date = Get-Date 
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
"******Import users script ran on " + $date + " by: "+$env:USERNAME+": " | Out-File $log -append 
"---------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $log -append
$cArch = Get-WMIObject win32_processor -Property addresswidth | Select-Object -Property addresswidth
If ($cArch.addresswidth -eq "32")
    $uninst = Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall | ForEach-Object {Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath} | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "Java ?* Update *"}
    ForEach($i in $uninst)
        #write-host $i.PSChildName
        $n = $i.PSChildName
        $cmd = "msiexec.exe"
        $args = @("/x","$n","/quiet")
        & $cmd $args
If ($cArch.addresswidth -eq "64")
    $uninst = Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall | ForEach-Object {Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath} | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "Java ?* Update *"}
    ForEach($i in $uninst)
        #write-host $i.PSChildName
        $n = $i.PSChildName
        $cmd = "msiexec.exe"
        $args = @("/x","$n","/quiet")
        & $cmd $args | Out-File $log -append 
        $n+" - uninstalled" | Out-File $log -append 
"---------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $log -append

New Post: Fehler bei den Regeln

ok also nicht so simpel aka ->
File: de.lang ->
Zeile xyz
False: Widnows
correct: Windows.

Na gut. Dann bleibt mir hier erst mal nur der Verweis auf den Fehler entsprechend meines Eingangspostings.

By the way, Herr Sonntag :-):
ich hab auf Gruppenrichtlinien.de den Beitrag zum WPP gelesen und ein paar Dinge mitbekommen die ich noch gar nicht gesehen hatte ( die ganzen coolen Möglichkeiten im Kontextmenü des Computers - detect now anweisen usw., das hab ich mir immer gewünscht ohne es zu wissen :-)- das würde man sich eigentlich auch für den WSUS wünschen... ).
.....aber das letzte "neue" Feature im Artikel verstehe ich nicht. Angelegte APP-Updates löschen ging doch auch mit dem LUP. Was ist da jetzt anders ?

ok, cool hier, macht Spaß,

New Post: Install on Clients, but only update on Servers

Yes, with Davids examples the Servers still try to install it, without having it installed.

The Point with the exact Version:
Yes I know, but we have:
13 Different Versions of Java 6
18 Different Versions of Java 7
4 Different Versions of Java 8

Is my last Syntax correct and matches now: "Logic for And/Or groups apply IN the group itself."?

Thanks, Martin

New Post: Fehler bei den Regeln

GMBU wrote:
ok also nicht so simpel aka ->
File: de.lang ->
Zeile xyz
False: Widnows
correct: Windows.

Na gut. Dann bleibt mir hier erst mal nur der Verweis auf den Fehler entsprechend meines Eingangspostings.
Wie wäre es mit einem Screenshot? Alternativ kannst Du den Screenshot auf dein OneDrive ablegen, sofern du eines hast, und den Link hier posten. http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/de-DE/w7networkde/thread/af6c55f1-0e82-460e-babb-794ff26e5698 Oder natürlich bei jedem anderen Filehoster.
By the way, Herr Sonntag :-):
ich hab auf Gruppenrichtlinien.de den Beitrag zum WPP gelesen und ein paar Dinge mitbekommen die ich noch gar nicht gesehen hatte ( die ganzen coolen Möglichkeiten im Kontextmenü des Computers - detect now anweisen usw., das hab ich mir immer gewünscht ohne es zu wissen :-)- das würde man sich eigentlich auch für den WSUS wünschen... ).
.....aber das letzte "neue" Feature im Artikel verstehe ich nicht. Angelegte APP-Updates löschen ging doch auch mit dem LUP. Was ist da jetzt anders ?
Im WPP war das Feature neu. Der LUP hatte so manches voraus, aber die fehlende Unterstützung für w2012 und höher ist im Jahr 2013 und später ein Killerfeature.

Und wegen Kontextmenü, einfach mal 'ausprobieren', überall rechts klicken und prüfen was es gibt.

New Post: Install on Clients, but only update on Servers

No it's not correct. If it was, than you wouldn't ask here. ;) You have to Combine (Windows Server AND some rule to determine if JAVA is already installed) and put this in OR together with Windows Workstation and the MSI Not installed.

I'll try later something. But Davids rule Looks pretty much the same way, I would've configured it.


New Post: Coloring STATUS does not work

Under Options /Color I see the possibility to give the Installation Status a Background Color. But there is no effect in STatus Tab.
If I go to the STATUS Tab, the only colored field is the "Online" Status.

But - it is colored correctly in REPORT Tab.
Take a look:

Is this correct? Color only in Report TAB ?

New Post: Coloring STATUS does not work

Yes, colors only apply to Report Tab

New Post: Checking URL for new Versions

maybe ist is possible to create a feature like the .cab Catalog Import ( Adobe . Dell and so on) for other software.

For instance:
You can download mozilla products via ftp, an there is for every software a path "LatestVersion".
If WPP can check this path for new files, the admin can informed if new product versions are availible.


New Post: Fehler bei den Regeln

Ich sag doch - ich nix OneDrive, nix Filehoster :-). Ich muss mal den privaten Webspace bemühen - am Montag ..... jetzt reichts für die Woche...


New Post: Powershell script not running?

After some trial and error I was able to make it work. My custom update xml is below. What's odd though is that the update ran just fine, but there was still no CustomUpdateEngine.log at C:\Windows\Temp.
<Parameters>-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File jUI32.ps1</Parameters>

New Post: installation java 8

avant avec les version de java 7, lorsqu'on ajoutait une mise à jour, cela désinstallait (ou installait par dessus) la/les anciennes versions automatiquement. (comme avec flash par exemple)
Depuis les java 8, les mises à jour s'installent à part, ce qui fait que je me retrouve avec plusieurs versions de java 8. Je sélectionne bien "remplace" dans la création de la mise à jour.
Je pense que cela n'est pas lié à WPP car même sans passer WPP, ce problème apparait.

Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une piste pour éviter d'ajouter la tache supplémenaire de désinstallation des anciennes version de java 8?
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